Wine museum

A különleges Bacchus-bormúzeumban elsősorban hazai borászatok borait.  Recepciónk éjjel-nappal nyitva tart, ahol drink bár és kávézó várja a hozzánk látogatókat.

About the museum

The cellar found below the house at 18 Erzsébet királyné u., and it used to belonged to a wine merchant before World War II. When the cellar was opened in 1992, huge 62,000-liter capacity concrete wine tanks tiled with glass tiles were found next to the hallway, which were converted into an exhibition hall. According to the inscriptions on them, the tiles were supplied by a Swiss company back in 1911. In the corner of the “ceiling” you can even see the openings for filling the wine. It would be hard to find a more ideal and stylish environment for the premises of a wine museum.

The wine museum has been established in one branch of the old cellar, which any local history collections would take pride in. The collection of viticulture and winemaking tools in the wine museum, consisting of more than 1,000 objects, provides an insight into the contemporary life of the past centuries.

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